# How to make a bootable Ubuntu 16.04 USB device for the APU # get the tinycore package from pc engines # wget http://pcengines.ch/file/apu2-tinycore6.4.tar.bz2 # get the Ubuntu Xenial 16.04 modified files from pc engines # wget http://pcengines.ch/tmp/ubuntu16.04_serial.tar.bz2 # get the MBR image file mbr.bin from the syslinux source package at: # wget https://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/utils/boot/syslinux/syslinux-4.04.tar.bz2 # (the file is located in: syslinux-4.04/mbr/mbr.bin) # move the apu2-tinycore6.4.tar.bz2, ubuntu16.04_serial.tar.bz2 and mbr.bin into the FILESDIR directory (see below) # enter root permissions sudo su - # set these variables on your shell FILESDIR=/path/to/files DEVICE=/dev/yourdevice # partition and format umount ${DEVICE}1 dd if=/dev/zero of=${DEVICE} count=1 conv=notrunc echo -e "o\nn\np\n1\n\n\nw" | fdisk ${DEVICE} mkfs.vfat -n XENIAL_APU -I ${DEVICE}1 # make the device bootable syslinux -i ${DEVICE}1 dd conv=notrunc bs=440 count=1 if=$FILESDIR/mbr.bin of=${DEVICE} parted ${DEVICE} set 1 boot on # unpack modified installers mount ${DEVICE}1 /mnt tar -C /mnt -xjf $FILESDIR/apu2-tinycore6.4.tar.bz2 tar -C /mnt -xjf $FILESDIR/ubuntu16.04_serial.tar.bz2 umount /mnt # exit root and remove the flash drive, it should be ready for booting