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RoHS compliance  
What does RoHS stand for ? EU legislation on the Restriction of use of certain Hazardous Substances in electrical and electronic equipment.
What substances are prohibited ? Heavy metals (lead, mercury, cadmium, and hexavalent chromium) and brominated flame retardants (PBB, PBDE).
When did this law take effect ? July 1, 2006.
Where is this law effective ? All EU / EFTA countries.
Is lead free solder really more "green" ? Probably not ! The most popular lead free alloy is SnAgCu (tin / silver / copper). Silver is a precious metal, and takes much more energy to mine than lead. The higher soldering temperatures require more energy in the production line.

For a life cycle assessment, see e.g. Life-Cycle Assessment for Lead-Free Solder in Electronics by the US EPA. In my opinion, the public health impact of lead solder is overrated, as long as products are recycled in a responsible manner.

Another concern is the difficulty of repairing board made with lead free solder. The higher melting point makes repairs more difficult, or even uneconomical.

Is lead free solder reliable ? Tests indicate that the strength and temperature cycle resistance of lead free solder is comparable. There are concerns about the formation of tin whiskers on 100% tin surfaces. Lead free solder is more difficult to work with (smaller process windows), so process problems are more likely to occur. Finally, alloys containing a high amount of tin may disintegrate in colder environments (tin pest).
Are there exceptions ? Yes. In particular, lead as an alloying element for steel / aluminium / copper alloys, certain flip chip packages, etc.
Which PC Engines products are RoHS compliant ? At this point, all of our current products are RoHS compliant.
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